A painful and bitter journey: Raseef22 accompanies undocumented migrants entering Europe by land via Turkey

A painful and bitter journey: Raseef22 accompanies undocumented migrants entering Europe by land via Turkey

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تفاصيل مؤلمة... رصيف22 مع مهاجرين غير نظاميين إلى أوروبا برّاً عبر تركيا

Tourism in Saudi Arabia

The year 2023 saw the highest number of irregular border crossings since the refugee crisis of 2015/2016, according to the 2024 Asylum Report issued by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA). The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) documented 385,000 irregular border crossings into the EU's external borders—an 18% increase from 2022.

Syrians, Afghans, and Turks continued to submit the highest number of asylum applications, accounting for more than a third of all requests made to EU countries. Syrian nationals, who represented nearly one-sixth of all asylum seekers, submitted 181,000 applications—a 38% increase compared to 2022. Afghans followed with 114,000 applications, while Turkish citizens filed 101,000 requests, making them the third-largest group seeking protection. Additionally, a record number of asylum applications were submitted by other nationalities, including Venezuelans and Colombians, who ranked fourth and fifth, respectively. Since the start of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza on October 7, 2023, a significant number of Palestinians have also submitted asylum applications.

Around 15,000 individuals arrived in the expanded European Union in 2023 from third countries as part of "resettlement" or humanitarian asylum programs—the lowest number recorded since 2016, except for 2020 when travel and movement was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the European Council, "Migrant smuggling operations have evolved significantly since the start of the migration crisis in 2015. According to Europol and Interpol, over 90% of undocumented migrants pay smugglers to try to reach Europe. Estimates suggest that the global annual profits from human smuggling range between €4.7 and €6 billion."

Migrants often pay these exorbitant sums to smugglers and risk their lives on unsafe journeys due to the harsh conditions in their home countries—whether economic, social, political, or related to freedoms and human rights. Many also flee persecution, tribal vendettas, and threats faced by religious, gender, and sexual minorities.

After carefully assessing the risks, Raseef22, through the author of this investigation, decided to take readers on an in-depth journey to uncover the hidden realities of irregular migration routes taken by dozens of Arab migrants seeking to reach Europe. This time, the journey takes place by land from Turkey, in May 2023.

The overland "smuggling" route

"The route taken by Arab migrants starts in Turkey and goes to Bulgaria, then Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic before finally reaching Germany," says Anwar Ali*, a 21-year-old migrant who previously worked in migrant smuggling for a period of time.

An illustrative map of the route taken by Arab migrants, designed by Raseef22.

An illustrative map of the route taken by Arab migrants, designed by Raseef22.

Anwar continues, “The route taken by Turkish migrants differs from that of Arabs because they cannot enter Slovakia or the Czech Republic. If caught in either of these countries, they are immediately deported back to their country, as they are considered to not have any compelling circumstances that would justify asylum.”

He adds, “That’s why Turkish migrants start their journey from Serbia, then move on to Austria, and finally reach Germany. However, due to the closure of this route, a new one has recently emerged. This alternative route begins in Serbia, continues through Bosnia, then Croatia—where migrants must pass through dense forests—before moving through Slovenia, Italy, and Switzerland, ultimately reaching Germany.”

An illustrative map of the route taken by Arab migrants, designed by Raseef22.

An illustrative map of the route taken by Turkish migrants, designed by Raseef22.

How does the migrant’s journey begin?

Smuggler Saad Ibrahim*, 38, a Syrian national who has lived in Turkey for many years, explains to Raseef22 that “the journey starts in Istanbul, Turkey, where migrants gather in a designated location or residence. From there, they embark on a car ride to the Turkey-Bulgaria border, paying between €7,500 and €10,000 per person. At this stage, there are no immediate dangers—only exhaustion and anxiety over the possibility of Turkish authorities stopping the passengers (a term used to refer to migrants).”

Salam Saeed*, 24, a relative of Saad who works with him in the migrant smuggling business, tells Raseef22, “The loading point is the last stop for migrants before the journey begins. A car, usually Bulgarian but driven by a non-Bulgarian, picks them up and takes them to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.” He explains, “The car is neither legally registered nor owned by the driver. It is often rented or stolen and lacks license plates. The driver receives 2,000 euros per passenger for transporting them from the loading point—which is 7 to 12 kilometers from the Bulgarian border—to Sofia. The total cost for each migrant from Turkey to Sofia is 5,000 euros.”

"Sometimes, we come across human skeletons and bodies dumped in the forests." Raseef22 takes readers on an investigative journey, uncovering the hidden realities of irregular migration routes taken by dozens of Arab migrants to Europe, this time by land, starting from Turkey.

Salam admits, “We all know from the name 'smuggling' that this work is illegal. But death, war, starvation, and bombings drive people to take this risk. They don’t do it simply to reach Europe—as evidenced by the fact that many prefer to return to Syria now that it's liberated.” He quickly adds, “Don’t get me wrong—governments themselves have opened the doors and turned a blind eye. And the migrants who are caught try again, once, twice, even three times.”

Anwar explains, “Anyone over 10 years old—even a 90-year-old—is charged the full adult price. But for children under that age, every three children are counted as one person. In the car, two children share a single seat.”

He describes the next phase, “Upon reaching Serbia, migrants are taken by a ‘ripper’ (a guide who knows the route and locations on the map and works under the lead smuggler who coordinates remotely) to the Serbia-Hungary border. They must then cross the ‘til’—a barbed wire fence equipped with cameras and razor wire at the top, sometimes even laced with toxic chemicals. The fence must be cut to pass through, after which the journey continues. After that, they move on to Slovakia, then the Czech Republic, and finally, Germany.”

Anwar points out that "there is another route that involves crossing the Hungarian border and then traveling by car through Hungary to Austria, and from there to Germany, as the borders are open."

He adds, "Some individuals within the Turkish authorities collaborate with the smugglers." In fact, last year, General Bilal Çokay was forced into early retirement after being convicted of smuggling Syrian migrants into Turkey in exchange for money. He was later sentenced to 11 years in prison under the same charge, and investigations revealed the involvement of several other officers in the operation.

Anwar continues, "Sometimes, the Turkish gendarmerie (border guards) allows migrants to pass through—they have the power to do so. But when they decide to secure the border, they can enforce it strictly. However, in many cases, certain officers turn a blind eye to let migrants through in exchange for money. This is why Erdoğan constantly threatens European countries with opening the borders to migrants for specific political gains—he knows the power his forces hold."

“The agreement”

Elaborating further, Anwar describes another type of smuggling known as ‘agreement smuggling’, explaining, "This type of smuggling happens frequently along the Turkish-Syrian border. Previously, in 2019 and 2020, it also occurred on the Turkish-Bulgarian border, but it later stopped. Under this method, an agreement is made between the smuggler and an officer at the border, whereby the officer turns off the cameras and instructs his soldiers to go to sleep, or they agree on a specific time window for crossing—for example, from 12:00 to 1:00 a.m. During this period, the border remains open from both sides, allowing the agreed number of migrants to be smuggled through. The smuggler then pays the Turkish officer with whom the deal was made."

He continues, "Agreement smuggling also took place between Bulgaria and Turkey for a short time before it stopped. In this case, smugglers would coordinate with certain Bulgarian officers to open the border at a designated time, allowing migrants to pass through unnoticed. In just two hours, between 300 to 400 migrants could cross before the shift changed. However, this is much more difficult in European Union countries because the forces there do not take bribes or money, no matter how much one tries."

The dangers of the journey

Salam lists the dangers of the journey, recalling: "I was once a 'passenger' myself, attempting to migrate through the Turkish-Bulgarian border. We paid a hefty amount to be transported in vehicles, and the trip was organized by mafias and armed gangs. But our biggest fear was the Turkish gendarmerie because they are known to beat people. Additionally, large criminal gangs from different nationalities operate in the area, kidnapping migrants and demanding ransom from their families or forcing them to unlock the 'travel code'—a system allowing the financial insurance office to transfer/release funds—under threat before they even reach their intended destination."

He adds, "As for the Bulgarian police officers, when they caught us, they beat us with batons, threatened us with firearms, and even fired shots into the air to intimidate us. They also used police dogs to attack and bite some of us. Eventually, they threw us back into Turkish territory, reopening the fence only after forcing us to strip off our shoes and pants. We returned to Turkey nearly naked… This happened to me personally."

Salam continues, "We encountered a gang in a forest inside Turkish territory, just 100 meters before the 'til' (fence), in the HamzaBeyli crossing area. They attacked us with sharp tools and batons, simply because we were Syrians trying to cross into Bulgaria. This often happens when rival smugglers sabotage each other, and the passengers end up as the victims."

What Salam describes is confirmed by testimonies from irregular migrants on social media and reports from human rights organizations. He also highlights other threats migrants face along the journey, such as "hunger, fatigue, and psychological stress—not to mention encounters with wild boars, bears, snakes, and other dangerous animals in the forests."

He affirms, "Sometimes, we come across human skeletons and bodies dumped in the forests. Once, my cousin, a group of 20 migrants, and I came across the decomposing body of a migrant who appeared to be of Arab descent. In another incident, we found two lost children, about 5 and 6 years old, who had been separated from their parents. We carried them back to Istanbul, where we managed to reunite them with their family through Facebook groups."

Both smugglers and migrants actively use private and public Facebook groups, often under fake or anonymous accounts, to report missing persons, document deaths along the "migration/smuggling route," and exchange information and questions about the journey.

A sample of posts from human trafficking groups on Facebook.

A sample of posts from human trafficking groups on Facebook.

Anwar agrees that "there are countless dangers" and adds, "One of the major risks is hunters. Hunters for game and birds frequent the border areas, and if they see you, they might shoot at you."

But the most dangerous aspect of the journey, in his view, is that "no one helps anyone."

"At the beginning, the ‘ripper’ (guide) walks with you, but as soon as he feels that you're too exhausted to continue, he abandons you on the road. No one stops to help." He shares a chilling memory, "I once watched a video of a father burying his son in a Bulgarian forest after the child died from exhaustion on the journey."

Anwar also warns that "Bulgarian border police, Greek coast guards, and Turkish gendarmerie all treat migrants terribly. Serbia, at one point, even detained 500 migrants without any reason. And then there are the wild boars and bears in the forests of Croatia."

Anwar emphasizes, "What’s happening now is no longer smuggling in the traditional sense—it has become human trafficking. To the smuggler, a migrant is nothing more than $2,000 or $3,000, not a human being. Migrants are frequently beaten, sometimes simply as revenge against the smuggler responsible for them, if he hasn’t paid the ‘ripper’ (the guide). Other times, the ripper might be under the influence of drugs and in a bad mood, or he might be annoyed by the large number of ‘passengers.’ Sometimes, migrants are beaten simply because they’re walking too slowly or talking on the way."

Karim, one of the individuals collaborating with smugglers, shared with Raseef22 a collection of photos and videos documenting incidents that migrants experienced during their smuggling journeys.

A bear attacks Syrian migrants in a forest between Bosnia and Croatia before they kill it.

A bear attacks Syrian migrants in a forest between Bosnia and Croatia before they kill it.

A bear attacks Syrian migrants in a forest between Bosnia and Croatia before they kill it.

Torture with batons and fire during the journey

Karim recounts to Raseef22 how "six Turkish migrants were attacked by a foreign gang near the Croatia-Bosnia border. The gang demanded money from them, and when they refused, they were threatened with weapons and stabbed one of them. They then began torturing them in the forest. The gang filmed the ordeal and sent the videos to the migrants' families and to the financial office that was holding their funds. As a result, the office transferred 8,000 euros to the attackers so they would let them go."

Scenes of migrants being attacked and tortured by gangs in the forests of the Croatia-Bosnia border.

Scenes of migrants being attacked and tortured by gangs in the forests of the Croatia-Bosnia border.

Scenes of migrants being attacked and tortured by gangs in the forests of the Croatia-Bosnia border.

After the ‘arrival'

Regarding what happens once a migrant reaches their destination, Shaimaa Farhan, a consultant specializing in German immigration and asylum law, explains to Raseef22 the procedures an irregular migrant goes through upon arriving in Germany: "When a migrant arrives in Germany, they go to the initial reception center, where their personal data, fingerprints, and photograph are recorded. After that, they submit an asylum application, in which they must explain their reasons for seeking asylum—such as political persecution or fear of war."

She continues, "Next comes the preliminary investigation and application registration. At this stage, authorities assess whether the asylum application can be processed in Germany. This includes a security check and the assignment of the applicant to a federal state. After registration, the asylum seeker is directed to a specific German state, where they will reside during the processing period—typically the state where they first arrived. Then, they undergo the asylum interview at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). During this interview, they are questioned in detail about the reasons for their asylum request. This interview is the central part of the asylum procedure."

Farhan says, "After that, the asylum request undergoes review, and a preliminary decision is made. The BAMF examines whether the conditions for asylum protection are met. This review process usually takes several months, during which the asylum seeker remains in an accommodation center."

"'No one helps anyone' during this journey. The guide walks with you at first, but as soon as you're too exhausted to continue, he abandons you on the road. No one stops to help. I once watched a video of a father burying his son in a Bulgarian forest after he died from exhaustion on the way. The Bulgarian border police, the Greek guard, and the Turkish gendarmerie all treat migrants terribly."

Farhan adds, "Then comes the Dublin Procedure review. If the asylum seeker has previously applied for asylum in another EU country—meaning they gave their fingerprints while passing through Eastern Europe or Greece—their application may be transferred to that country under the Dublin Regulation. Typically, most asylum seekers have such fingerprints on record."

She continues, "Then comes the decision phase, where a positive outcome is granted if the BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) determines that the individual qualifies for asylum. In this case, they receive protection, whether in the form of asylum, refugee protection, or temporary protection. However, if the application is rejected, the individual is issued a decision requiring them to leave Germany within a specified period, unless they have the right to appeal or file a lawsuit in administrative court—though this process can take months or even years."

She explains, "The final decision comes after all legal proceedings are completed. It may result in the granting of protection or a requirement to leave Germany. If the application is rejected and all appeals have been exhausted, the person may be deported to their home country or to another country where they can seek asylum. However, if deportation is not possible (for example, due to a lack of travel documents), they may be granted a temporary residence permit known as 'Duldung.' In some cases, after several years, they may be granted the right to stay, especially if circumstances in their home country change or for other humanitarian reasons."

Farhan says, "The integration and employment phase allows refugees who have been granted protection or asylum to enroll in integration courses, which include learning the German language and receiving information about life in Germany. There is also a political exam that qualifies them for citizenship in the future. After a certain period, they may also obtain a work permit in Germany."

Asylum procedures in Germany

Asylum procedures in Germany

What happens to migrants sent back from Bulgaria to Turkey?

According to our sources, when a migrant is apprehended at the border inside Bulgarian territory, the border guards return them to Turkey by opening one of the small gates in the border fence and then simply "letting them go" to wander aimlessly in Turkish territory. At that point, the biggest challenge is reaching Istanbul without being arrested by Turkish police, as it is considered a "suspicious" area.

Anwar explains, "There are drivers in the HamzaBeyli border crossing area and other border villages who are locals and know each other well. So, when Bulgaria sends migrants back to Turkey, these drivers coordinate among themselves, setting prices and controlling the rates—charging, for example, $100 or $200 USD for transportation from the Turkish border to Istanbul. Even if the police chase them, they don’t get caught because they know the roads in detail and where each route leads."

Raseef22’s journey

To experience firsthand the dangerous and uncertain journey that migrants endure across the Turkish-European borders, and during the stay of the report’s investigator in Istanbul—after taking sufficient safety precautions that may not be available to other migrants—Raseef22’s journey began in coordination with various sources, particularly in the Aksaray district (also known as Aq Saray), where many Arabs reside and which also serves as a stronghold for numerous smugglers.

The report’s investigator met with one of the major smugglers in Avcılar, a district west of Istanbul, posing as someone seeking to migrate to Europe. Upon recommendation from sources, the smuggler, a Syrian named Saad, welcomed us into his apartment. After introductions, we discussed the details of the "land route" and Saad explained the responsibilities of both the smuggler and the migrant during these trips.

Saad said, "You need to secure the trip's cost (8,500 euros) through a reputable and globally trusted money exchange company. The agreement is that you deposit the amount with the company as a third party. The company then provides you with a code, which you keep. Once you complete the journey and reach your destination country, you make a video call with me and the company’s owner to give them the code so they can release the payment to me. This way, you guarantee your arrival in Europe before paying me."

It was initially agreed that trust was the foundation of the entire process. To avoid any misunderstandings, the investigator had intermediaries (sources) who had introduced them to Saad, intervene to explain the real purpose of their visit in a suitable manner. After numerous reassurances, Saad showed a willingness to cooperate that exceeded our expectations.

Saad arranged for the report’s investigator to be accompanied by a real migrant who had gone through all the usual steps, including depositing money with the financial company, allowing the investigator to observe the process firsthand. Together, they went to a company located in a marketplace in Istanbul’s Fatih district. The company’s "office" was on the sixth floor of a building—suspiciously empty, with no furniture except for a single table with a cash register and an employee. The company name that people commonly referred to was different from the one displayed on a small sign outside the supposed headquarters.

Inside the "company," the young Syrian migrant told the employee that he was "from Saad's side" and handed over the money, ensuring that it would be sent to Saad only after he successfully reached Europe. The migrant did not receive a receipt or any document confirming the deposited amount. When the report’s investigator intervened and requested a receipt for the money, the employee simply replied: "We don’t work with receipts."

When asked about the other migrants, Saad explained that they were "gathered in a house we rented for this purpose, waiting for their departure time." He agreed to let the report’s investigator join them—on the condition that no photographs or videos were taken.

Everyone set off at night to the house located in Avcılar. The conditions were miserable—the house was small (a tiny living room and two rooms), completely unfurnished, with only a bare concrete floor. It was dirty, and a foul odor filled the air. The investigator sat in one of the rooms with Saad and his companion. Around 15 migrants from different parts of Syria were there, including an elderly woman and a Kurdish father from Afrin with his two sons. Fear and uncertainty were evident in everyone’s eyes as they awaited the start of the journey.

A notable topic of discussion among the group was a young migrant—a relative of Saad’s—who had gone missing in the forests of Bulgaria and had not returned with his companions.

Facebook groups for migrants were abuzz with news of a young Syrian man missing in the forests of Bulgaria.

Facebook groups for migrants were abuzz with news of a young Syrian man missing in the forests of Bulgaria.

In the house, the investigator also met the "ripper" (guide) and his two assistants, who were responsible for leading the journey. Saad revealed the investigator's true identity to them and asked them to protect him. As a special exception, he also asked that the investigator be allowed to keep his mobile phone and use the internet during the journey. Normally, only the ‘ripper’ is permitted to use a phone, as it is essential for navigating the route map and communicate in case of emergency.

Afterward, they returned to Saad’s home to prepare for the journey, which could start at any moment. The original departure time had been canceled due to heightened border security measures, as Saad’s contacts along the Turkish-Bulgarian border had informed him.

The travel and sleeping bags prepared by the report's investigator before setting out on the trip.

The travel and sleeping bags prepared by the report's investigator before setting out on the trip.

The "trip essentials" included a backpack for easy carrying and mobility through rough terrain and forrests, along with a sleeping bag, life vests, and inflatable flotation devices—all of which were openly available in many shops in the Aksaray area.

Shops in Turkey that sell supplies needed for the migration trip.

Shops in Turkey that sell supplies needed for the migration trip.

Shops in Turkey that sell supplies needed for the migration trip.

After purchasing the necessary equipment, along with food, water, and energy drinks in an amount that was easy to carry, the report’s investigator was ready to move. After spending a few more days in Saad’s apartment, the time finally came to depart from the meeting point. The migrants' faces displayed a mixture of joy and fear. The cars arrived, and the journey began at 1:00 AM. The vehicles used were small white minibuses with tinted windows, known locally as "Dırmış" or "Dolmuş." According to Saad, the drivers were Turks working for a major smuggling mafia in Istanbul.

The Dolmuş vehicle used to transport migrants.

The Dolmuş vehicle used to transport migrants.

Each vehicle was designed to carry seven passengers, yet the two vehicles held a total of 19 people (15 migrants, the ‘ripper’, his two assistants, and the report’s investigator). The cars set off from Istanbul towards Edirne, a journey that was supposed to take four hours. However, after three hours, they reached the border checkpoints. At one of them, the driver slowed down, as there was a chance the vehicle would be searched. Then, suddenly, he shouted, “Hold on!” and took of at high speed, crashing through the checkpoint. He also warned the driver of the second vehicle to take an alternate route. He then turned onto a dark, unpaved road and said, “Get out of the car and stay hidden until I call you.” The group did as instructed.

As the investigator exited the vehicle, he noticed the driver opening a bottle of beer and remaining in place. While hiding on a nearby hill and lying beside the rocks, the investigator asked one of the assistants why they had to get out of the car. The assistant replied, “The Turkish gendarmerie might come after us because we broke through the checkpoint. If they catch the driver smuggling ‘passengers,’ his punishment will be severe. But if he’s caught just for drunk driving, the penalty won’t be as harsh.”

A journey of anxiety

Everyone remained hidden for about an hour before the driver called them back to continue the journey. However, as they drove along the dirt road again, a Turkish police car approached from about 50 meters away. The driver quickly instructed everyone to get out and hide once more. He then continued driving toward the gendarmerie vehicle and stopped next to it, engaging in what appeared to be a conversation. Shortly after, the police car drove away without issue. The driver then returned for the group, saying, “Get in, it’s over.” It was unclear whether he had managed to deceive the police or had bribed them to allow the vehicle to pass.

From inside the bus while traveling within Türkiye.

From inside the bus while traveling within Türkiye.

As they continued traveling on the dirt road through the dark forest, under the night sky, we were suddenly met with a Turkish border police vehicle parked on the dirt road. A powerful spotlight, designed specifically for border patrols, shone from the vehicle, which was positioned only about 10 meters away. Two officers were inside. Although the driver slowed down significantly and passed right next to the police vehicle, they did not react or attempt to stop them. The driver immediately called his companion in the second vehicle behind us and said, “You’ll come across a police car. Slow down and stay calm—they won’t stop you.” (This was translated for the report’s investigator by one of the ripper’s assistants who understands the Turkish language.)

At 6:00 AM, the two vehicles reached the drop-off point, and the group began walking in the Turkish border forests near Bulgaria. They walked about 2 kilometers into the forest before the ‘ripper’ ordered everyone to stop and rest, waiting for nightfall to continue the journey. The investigator sat and talked with one of the young men, who shared his story about how the civil war in Syria had destroyed his village in the Idlib countryside. During this time, they heard movement coming from between the trees, only to discover it was a group of Afghan migrants also attempting to reach Bulgaria.

The Afghan migrants spoke to them and set up camp about 5 meters away. After a few minutes, the report’s investigator and his companion heard another sound, and they saw another group approaching with sticks, knives, and broken glass. At first, they thought it was another group of migrants, but then they attacked the Afghan migrants nearby, stabbing some of them with knives and stealing their belongings. The investigator woke up the ‘ripper’ and the rest of the group before running away from the "gang," eventually moving away from the danger zone. He ended up with six other migrants from his group, having lost track of the rest.

The investigator and his companion minutes before the "gang" attack.

The investigator and his companion minutes before the "gang" attack.

The six migrants changed their minds and decided to return to Istanbul after losing the group. They didn’t know what to do after losing the group and being stranded in an unfamiliar area with numerous dangers.The investigator used his phone to contact Saad, who connected him with the ‘ripper’. He shared his location so that the ‘ripper’ could find them, and then find the rest of the group afterward.

It turned out that the "gang" had attacked some members of the group accompanying the investigator, stealing some of their belongings, including the 'til' fence cutter. The ripper reassured everyone, saying, “This is a smuggling route, and we’ll find an opening in the 'til' that others ahead of us have made.”

The fence cutter, the Ripper's phone, its charger, and its small bag.

The fence cutter, the Ripper's phone, its charger, and its small bag.

The ripper chose a new campsite, and everyone, including the report’s investigator, went back to sleep. They woke up at sunset. The ripper said, "Eat your food and drink the iced coffee you brought with you." He then gave each person half a pill, except for the children, saying it would "help with walking and prevent fatigue." The investigator realized it was Captagon pills but pretended to take it, though he did not, despite the ripper insisting that everyone take one.

The group's camping spot in the Turkish forests.

The group's camping spot in the Turkish forests.

Then the ripper ordered everyone to "walk and stay quiet," as the sun had fully set. The group continued walking through the forest in complete darkness. The investigator, in particular, struggled after losing his glasses, which had gotten caught on a small branch. The ripper scolded him for trying to search for them, saying using a phone's light would pose a risk to the group. So, they continued walking until they reached the ‘til’. The ripper gathered them in a low area near him and said, "I’ll look for an opening in the ‘til’ and come back to you. You should know that right now I am your friend and protector, but once we get through and enter Bulgarian territory, I’ll turn into a pig. I won’t allow any sound; no sneezing, coughing, smoking, stopping, or any other movement. You must just keep walking. Anyone who disobeys will be beaten or left in the forest." The migrants agreed, understanding that it was in the group's best interest not to be caught by the authorities.

Before heading off to search for an opening in the ‘til’, the ripper turned to the elderly woman migrant and said, "Auntie, I can’t take you with us on this journey. You can’t walk, and we’ve barely walked 2 kilometers, but we’ll be walking much more ahead. You couldn’t even manage 2 kilometers, and we can’t afford to wait on the road. The rest stops are few and limited, and your presence in the group is a risk to everyone. You’ll return to Istanbul, and one of my assistants will accompany you. You’re like a mother to me, and I can’t take you with us and then be forced to leave you in the middle of the forest."

The woman listened as she cried bitterly with disappointment. She wanted to join her children, who had already migrated, but they couldn’t call her via family reunification laws because of her age. She had no other choice but to travel illegally, as she had shared with the reeport’s investigator. Despite her pain, she understood and agreed to return to Turkey with one of the ripper’s assistants.

The ripper opened the ‘til’, and we crossed through it. He said, "Go in a line, one after the other, as fast as you can, without stopping. I’ll be at the front of the line." Everyone proceeded into an open area in Bulgarian territory. It was around 1:00 AM when suddenly they heard the sound of bells nearby. The ripper immediately ordered, "Get down, now!" The group remained prone until they realized the bells were coming from a herd of cows. The ripper changed the route to avoid detection.

It wasn’t long before they encountered another obstacle—electrified wires covering the path. Some wires they had to jump over, others they had to crawl under, and some they had to pass between.

The report’s investigator was the last person in the line due to extreme fatigue and thirst, as well as difficulty seeing after losing his glasses. He was shocked multiple times by the wires because he couldn’t see them until he felt them with his hands to figure out how to avoid them.

Fatigue began to take its toll on him and the others. The ripper showed no sympathy for their suffering. The young men carried the investigator’s backpack to relieve him slightly. Still, he reached his breaking point and told them he was giving up and returning to Turkey. But the ripper’s assistant refused, punching him to "wake him up," saying, "I’ll help you. This place is dangerous, and you can’t stay here alone." The investigator agreed and walked with the assistant and one of the migrants while the rest of the group continued their journey without looking back.

With an indescribable difficulty, the three continued their journey. The ripper’s assistant and the migrant blamed the report’s investigator for losing track of the rest of the group. They tried to contact the ripper through the investigator's phone, but it wasn’t connected to the internet. The investigator contacted Saad and informed him of what had happened. Saad then sent him specific points on the map to walk towards. The three continued walking until sunrise and settled in a spot in the forest, then went to sleep.

They woke up at night and found that the ripper was still not connected to the internet. They continued walking according to the points Saad had sent. Along the way, they heard a sound coming from between the dense trees, so they hid, thinking it was Bulgarian border police. However, they were surprised to find that the sound came from the ripper and the rest of the group. They signaled them and approached, reuniting with them, as it turned out they had camped nearby.

The ripper said that we couldn’t move now because Bulgarian police were scattered around the area, searching for irregular migrants. So we stayed put, with some sleeping and others trembling from fear and the cold, while the only sound was the rustling of fallen leaves and our own shivering bodies.

The ripper said that we couldn’t move now because Bulgarian police were scattered around the area, searching for irregular migrants. So we stayed put, with some sleeping and others trembling from fear and the cold, while the only sound was the rustling of fallen leaves and our own shivering bodies.

At sunrise, the ripper said it was time to move again and they could continue their journey during the day, as they were nearing the point where the cars that would take the group to the capital Sofia were waiting. They began walking towards a paved road. The ripper said they had to “run across to the other side of the forest.” The report’s investigator was completely exhausted and couldn’t imagine what would happen if he tried to run the distance in his current condition. So, he apologized to everyone and let them go while he attempted to return to Istanbul, watching them run to cross the road.

Afterward, the investigator decided to get rid of the equipment he was carrying, keeping only the sleeping bag. He contacted Saad, who was very angry with the ripper for allowing him to remain alone at that point. Saad reached out to the ripper, who told him that the investigator had to catch up with the group. The investigator promised Saad that he would at least try to “escape this maze and return to Turkey.” He walked alone, searching for any drop of water or food to relieve his hunger while following the map Saad had shared with him. He would walk for a minute, then rest for about ten minutes because his legs no longer had the strength to continue.

He faced numerous difficulties along the way, including walking through thorns and having to climb some hills to stay on the designated path, and the fear of animals whose sounds he could hear, making him divert away from them. Eventually, he saw a dark spot in the distance in a field and headed towards it, only to discover it was a small pool of water. He drank the water without caring about anything else.

He continued walking, hoping to catch up with the group or for night to fall so he could rest. Eventually, he reached what he considered the “end point,” unable to continue. His phone battery was nearly dead, so he lay under a tree and told Saad, “I’m finished.” Saad was furious and made a group call with the investigator and the ripper, and tried to tempt him by saying: “I need you to return to this person because he is my responsibility, and I will give you 500 euros if you go back and help him return to Turkey.” The ripper agreed and said he would be back in 15 minutes.

Half an hour passed, and the ripper still hadn’t returned. Saad called the report’s investigator and settled it by saying: “I know that he is a pig and he won’t come back. Stay where you are until tomorrow, and if he doesn’t return, do anything that might catch the attention of the police or farmers so they can find you and help you.” It was noon when the investigator turned off his phone, which had only 5% battery left, and fell asleep. He woke up and thought he had slept for an hour or two. However, when he checked his phone, he discovered it was 11 AM, and he had slept for 23 straight hours.

Fading hope

Before the phone completely died, the investigator managed to contact a close colleague and told him what had happened, mentioning that the likelihood of his return was "very slim." He then took one last photo of himself and sent it, along with his location, to his colleague before the phone shut down, cutting off all communication. The investigator walked a little farther and saw, in the distance, a white structure that looked like a building. He assumed it was a house or a caravan and continued walking toward it. Upon arrival, he discovered it was a large village, with a nearby water pool that felt like heaven to him due to his extreme thirst.

Near the pool, the report’s investigator saw a Bulgarian young man in his garden. He called out to him and asked for help in English, but the man didn’t understand. The young man then called the police, who arrived within minutes but also couldn’t comprehend what the investigator was trying to tell them. A passerby who spoke English helped translate between the two sides.

“They left me in the Bulgarian forests without food, drink, or anything to keep me alive. I wandered in the forests for five days, running around, and it was pouring rain. I drank rainwater, tried to eat grass, and on the sixth day, blood started flowing from my nose and wouldn’t stop. I started imagining my son in front of me. I’d call out to him, but he would just laugh and ran away.”

The investigator explained the entire story to the Bulgarian police, revealing his identity and the reason for entering their country. They sympathized with him, brought him clean water, and offered him sandwiches filled with cheese, which were a local delicacy. They then asked, "Where would you like us to take you?" The investigator replied that his mission in Bulgaria was over, and he wanted to go back to Turkey. The police contacted border patrol, who sent a vehicle to transport him.

When the border patrol vehicle arrived, angry soldiers got out, but the police quickly explained the situation to them. They calmed down, searched the investigator, took his lighter and phone, and then drove him in their vehicle. They offered him stuffed biscuits and a large bottle of water, charged his phone, and asked him to unlock it. He told them that the phone belonged to his friend, and he didn’t know the password to unlock it.

The vehicle arrived near the Turkish border, and the investigator was dropped off. He then got into a ZIL vehicle (a large military transport vehicle commonly used by the Bulgarian border guards) where he found eight young Syrian migrants, all from Deir ez-Zor, Aleppo, and Dirbasiyah. They had been caught at the Serbian border and were being taken back to Turkey by the border guards. They were extremely scared, tearing apart their rough, leather and cloth sleeping mats to wrap around their bodies. One of them said, “We are from a group called Travelers Without Borders. We gather and walk using maps, without a smuggler. We’ve often taken this route and been caught... in a little while, when we reach the border, they’ll beat us, force us to take off our clothes and shoes, and set the police dogs on us, just like every time. After that, they’ll send us back to Turkey.”

The investigator reassured them, telling them that this time, it wouldn’t happen. One of them responded, “You don’t know, it’s your first time here.” After driving on dirt roads, they finally reached the border. The soldiers let the migrants out without any aggression. One of them even shook the investigator's hand and said goodbye. The soldiers opened the electric fence gate and allowed them to enter Turkish territory. The young migrants were overjoyed and surprised because the border guards didn’t harm them this time. However, this didn’t reflect any kindness from the Bulgarian border police, as hundreds of bags, clothes, and shoes were piled up like hills near the fence gate, confirming the claims that this happens on a regular basis.

Once the migrants crossed into Turkish territory, the investigator asked them not to leave him alone because he was very tired. They promised to accompany him, but he struggled to keep up with them and eventually was left behind in the Turkish forests.

The photo the report's investigator took in a forest, thinking it would be his last.

The photo the report's investigator took in a forest, thinking it would be his last.

The investigator continued walking alone until he reached a spot with windmills near the HamzaBeyli crossing area. He eventually collapsed and fell asleep where he was, exhausted. However, he suddenly woke up to the sound of the call to prayer from a distance. He stood up and saw a village far away. Gathering his strength, he headed toward it. Upon arrival, he saw a group of cars, and their drivers told him they could take him to Istanbul for $100. He accepted the offer, got into one of the cars, and used the driver’s phone (as the Bulgarian soldiers had taken his) to contact Saad, whose phone number he had written down on a piece of paper and hidden in his clothes.

Saad was overjoyed to hear that the investigator was safe. When he arrived a few hours later, the investigator took a shower and changed clothes, only to discover that his body was covered in blood and scratches from the thorns and branches he had encountered. When he started to take the first bite of food, he could barely chew or swallow, as he felt something akin to an explosion in his stomach due to the dehydration and nutritional deficiency he had suffered.

The next day, the investigator woke up in Saad’s apartment, where the missing young migrant had just arrived. Saad, his friends, and Facebook groups had been searching for the young man in the Bulgarian forests with no news of him.

Photo of the missing young man who later shared his story with Raseef22 after he was found.

Photo of the missing young man who later shared his story with Raseef22 after he was found.

Salam, Saad’s relative, says, “This is Ahmed. He was lost, and it turned out that he got lost in the forests for five days. His companions left him without water, a phone, or food. After five days, a group of migrants who had been arrested in Bulgaria spotted him and carried him back to Turkey. He returned to Istanbul weak and exhausted,” and the Facebook groups dedicated to migrants celebrated Ahmed's safe return.

Ahmed was in a horrific condition that is hard to describe. He couldn’t talk, eat, or move. He slept all the time, and they had to force him to eat small spoons of soup for his recovery. He stayed in this state for nearly seven days before gradually regaining his health and eventually telling his story to Raseef22 about his experience with irregular migration via land.

Ahmed says, “In 2018, the Syrian regime stormed our villages. We left our homes, lands, and everything behind. We, the Mawali tribe, fled and were displaced. After the displacement, we waited for over a year, hoping things would return to normal, but they didn’t, and the situation got worse. I was arrested by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which took everything I had. I paid around $40,000 to get out of prison after enduring insults and beatings. Two months after my release, two cars ambushed me and shot at me. But I managed to escape, left Idlib, and went to the Al-Bab area near Aleppo, which was controlled by the Free Syrian Army. I lived alone for a year without a job, and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) had taken everything from me. I had nothing left but to migrate, so I decided to go to Germany.”

He continues, “I left Syria in late 2022 and went to Turkey. I tried to migrate through Bulgaria, but the Turkish police caught me during the first attempt. Because I didn’t have any identification or residence papers, they arrested me and kept me in detention for six months in the Marash camp. When the earthquake hit Turkey in March 2023, we managed to escape from the camp and stayed in the forests for three days, then I arrived in Istanbul with friends from my village in Idlib, and we decided to try migrating again together. We set out with a group of 26 people, but I got tired during the first two days of the journey due to the walking. I told them I couldn’t continue, but they insisted that I keep going. I couldn’t, so I stayed behind while they continued their journey.”

“Now, it’s become human trafficking, not smuggling in the traditional sense. To the smuggler, a migrant is nothing more than $2,000 or $3,000, not a human being. Migrants are frequently beaten, sometimes simply as revenge against the smuggler responsible for them, if he hasn’t paid the ‘ripper’ (the guide). Sometimes, migrants are beaten simply because they’re walking too slowly or talking on the way."

Ahmed explains, “They left me in the Bulgarian forests at point 79 (numbered points on the main road) without food, drink, or anything to keep me alive. I slept for two hours, woke up with a headache, and couldn’t tell south from north. I wandered in the forests for five days, running around, and it was pouring rain. I drank rainwater, tried to eat grass, and on the sixth day, blood started flowing from my nose and wouldn’t stop. At 12 or 1 a.m., I started imagining my son in front of me. I’d call out to him: ‘Abdul Rahman, come here!’ but he would just laugh and ran away.”

“On the seventh day, I told myself I had to get out of this forest. I started crawling on my hands and feet until I reached a road with car tracks on it. I fell asleep on this road,” Ahmed continues, not remembering many details from this period, as his physical and mental condition had deteriorated, causing reality to blur with hallucinations. However, he recalls waking up from one of his fainting spells to find himself naked, with water poured over him to wake him, surrounded by Bulgarian police cars.

He adds, “In my case, the Bulgarian police should have taken me to a hospital in Bulgaria, but they took me at around 1 a.m. and dumped me inside the Turkish border. I met migrants from Aleppo who had also been arrested, and they carried me on their shoulders in front of the Bulgarian police. They placed me in a hole inside Turkish territory and continued on their way. Later, a group of young men from Afrin, Idlib, and Deir ez-Zor found me, carried me, and took me to cars that were transporting migrants back to Istanbul. I was taken to the hospital, where I stayed for 10 days under medical care, and then to my relative Saad’s house.”

Ahmed stayed with Saad during his recovery (for about a month). He tells Raseef22: “I suffered because my stomach couldn’t tolerate food after about 10 days of continuous hunger. I lived on soup and nutritional supplements. After recovering, I told myself there was no middle ground; either I return to Syria or make it to Germany. So, I set out again, but this time by truck, from Turkey to Bulgaria and then to Romania, where I stayed for 35 days. Afterward, I tried to go to Germany, but all my attempts failed. The authorities kept catching me until I once hid in the truck’s toolbox. The journey was very difficult, lasting 24 hours. I almost suffocated on the way and lost my breath twice, but I survived and reached Germany. The whole journey cost me about 12,000 euros, and now I am in Germany.”

The experience of the investigator or Ahmed’s repeated attempts cannot be generalized to all irregular migration journeys through Turkey to Europe. Each journey has its own conditions and circumstances, and every smuggler is different in how they arrange the escape and plan the trip. Even the outcomes can vary. Some journeys end with migrants reaching their intended destinations, while others take them back to square one or even lower. The risk of not surviving is real, as are incidents of abuse, torture, terror, and getting lost. Exploitation, theft, and fraud are also highly likely and frequent.

The experiences of both the investigator and Ahmed reveal the hardships faced by irregular migrants from the moment they decide to embark on the risky journey, putting their lives and money on the line. This includes searching for smugglers, contacting one, paying the required fees, and setting out on the journey—an ordeal that is no less exhausting and terrifying. The migration route is fraught with dangers, including wild animals, gangs and mafias, violence from security forces, the risk of getting lost in the forests, hunger, and dehydration.

The experiences also shed light on the occasional leniency of authorities in the countries along the migration route towards smugglers, and the enormous profits these smugglers make from these operations, sometimes amounting to 127,000 euros for a single trip with at least 15 migrants. This amount is distributed among the main smuggler, the ‘ripper’, assistants, as well as the transport costs and rental fees for migrant gathering places. It’s impossible to determine the exact number of trips, as it depends on various factors such as the season, weather, and the conditions in the countries, but it is still ongoing.

Raseef22 contacted authorities in Turkey and Bulgaria for comments on the allegations contained in this investigation, but no response had been received by the time of publication.

* Pseudonym as requested by the source.

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