Together forindependent journalism!

Raseef22 is not your average media platform. At its core, Raseef22 is a community of driven and visionary individuals, unwavering in their belief that democracy and freedom underpin successful journalism. We live these values and strive to establish them within our societies through unbiased reporting. We aim to forge a sanctuary for all voices. One where concealed narratives are revealed and the truth is unveiled.

But in countries where fear looms over us from all corners and infiltrates even our most private and safest spaces, and in social spheres where justice is trampled upon, we find ourselves seeking hope. A hope that there exists a safer space, where articulating our collective plight is possible. So that we feel surrounded by like-minded individuals and to create a stronger future for ourselves, as a community. This is why NasRaseef was born.

NasRaseef is a community that supports journalistic freedom, embodies the essence of Raseef22 and represents its core values.

Why NasRaseef?

NasRaseef offers you an opportunity to become part of a vibrant community whose members proudly support the Raseef22 mission and work towards democracy and freedom of expression for all citizens, by introducing new narratives through content that educates, inspires, and fosters both civic and individual participation.

Perks of joining NasRaseef:

  • Enjoy Raseef22, ad-free
  • Attend workshops and trainings: These events span a variety of topics, including digital safety, solutions journalism, human rights advocacy, and more.
  • Participate in discussions: Here at NasRaseef, we encourage critical thinking and constructive discussions amongst our readers. Participate through our series “Articles in Discussion”.
  • Engage with our editorial team: Joining the NasRaseef community grants you access to our editorial meetings, allowing you to experience the behind-the-scenes at Raseef22.
  • Here at Raseef22, we are proud of our independent journalistic work. We boast a team of ethical journalists and editors who have carried us through a decade of honest and diverse journalism. While much of traditional media remains shackled by rigid social norms, primarily in service of the ruling classes, Raseef22 is committed to maintaining its editorial independence, untainted by external influence or bias.

    Your support does make a difference. So, join NasRaseef today, and let’s build a more open future together!

Website by WhiteBeard
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