Lustful maps: How France’s underworld exploits migrant sex workers

Lustful maps: How France’s underworld exploits migrant sex workers

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خريطة الشهوة في باريس... كيف يستهلك عالم الليل عاملات الجنس المهاجرات؟

Disclaimer: The interviews with migrant sex workers in Paris were conducted as part of a study titled ‘Transnational Migration and Social Relations–Sex Workers as a Model.’
All names mentioned have been changed to protect the participants.

The map of Paris appears circular in shape, split in two by the Seine River. Its upper half resembles a croissant, the iconic and delicious pastry that is seen as a symbol of the “City of Light” alongside its perfumes, fashion, and art. But behind all this allure lies another hidden Paris, one that emerges with the setting sun, revealing a shadow world of lust, violence, and human trafficking.

In 2016, France introduced a law criminalizing the purchase of sexual services. While it aimed to combat human trafficking, it has forced sex workers into the darker corners of Paris, exacerbating their suffering. From the alleys of Porte de Vincennes to Strasbourg-Saint-Denis and the forests of Bois de Boulogne, the famous fashion capital has turned into a map of sexual commerce governed by racial stratification, reflecting deeply entrenched racist hierarchies.

Behind the allure lies another hidden Paris, one that emerges with the setting sun, revealing a shadow world of lust, violence, and human trafficking.

Under French law, those caught purchasing sexual services face a fine of up to 1,500 euros. Repeat offenders can be fined up to 3,750 euros. Although the law appears on the surface as a step to combat human trafficking and exempts sex workers from direct criminalization, in practice, it has intensified their suffering and struggles.

The geography of lust in Paris: How France’s shadow world exploits migrant and Arab sex workers | The areas of prostitution in Paris are distributed according to racial and sexual stratifications within specific geographic divisions. This distribution transforms into a market governed by supply and demand dynamics shaped by racialized sexual fantasies.

The geography of lust in Paris: How France’s shadow world exploits migrant and Arab sex workers | The areas of prostitution in Paris are distributed according to racial and sexual stratifications within specific geographic divisions. This distribution transforms into a market governed by supply and demand dynamics shaped by racialized sexual fantasies.

These legal measures have driven sex workers into remote alleys, isolated streets, and even the dark forests on the outskirts of Paris to shield their clients. This shift has doubled the violence faced by sex workers, according to a 2018 study conducted by the French Social Policy Institute.

Sex workers of Arab origin are notably active in the areas of Gare du Nord and Château Rouge, according to a report by Le Parisien. Meanwhile, Strasbourg-Saint-Denis and Boulevard de Belleville see significant activity from workers of African origin, particularly from sub-Saharan countries like Nigeria, Ghana, and Cameroon.

In Bois de Boulogne, where traditional sex work prevails, one observes transgender workers alongside female workers from Ecuador, as well as Asians and some Eastern Europeans.

In the eastern suburbs, near Porte de Vincennes, sex workers from diverse nationalities, including Nigeria and Eastern Europe, are also prominent. This area witnesses intense sexual commerce, often taking place in small, dilapidated vans.

It is estimated that around 30,000 people work in the sex trade in France, with 85% of them being women and 93% being foreigners. Studies indicate that between 50% and 70% of individuals in this field suffer from psychological issues ranging from mild emotional distress to severe mental health problems. Additionally, 51% of them experience physical violence in the course of their work, and 64% endure verbal abuse, acts of humiliation, or social stigma.

This geographical map illustrates that sex workers are not only impacted by laws and legal frameworks, but are also subjected to racial and class-based classifications determining their wages and the types of clients they attract.

The “Arabian slavegirl” and the “veiled dancer”

The geographic division of sex workers by ethnicity further compounds their suffering. Clients frequenting specific areas associated with certain ethnicities come with sexual fantasies they hope to fulfill. In this sense, the racial-geographic division becomes a marketplace governed by supply-and-demand dynamics shaped by racial and sexual fantasies.

In alleyways where Arab sex workers are prevalent, particularly in Gare du Nord and Château Rouge, these stereotypes are pervasive. “Clients approach me imagining that I embody the image of a submissive and oppressed woman because of my cultural background as an Arab,” says Samar, a woman in her twenties. “I’ve even faced situations where I was asked to play the role of a slavegirl or dancer to satisfy their fantasies.”

Such requests are corroborated by Amal, a woman in her forties, who says her "dark hair and slightly fuller figure fuel their fantasies.

“Many have asked me to wear an abaya or hijab."

The lustful, the wild savage, and the obedient girl

Meanwhile, the image of African women is often perceived by clients as having boundless sexual desires. "Clients associate me with violent, aggressive sex and often make comments labeling me as someone with no limits to her sexual desires," says Jacqueline, a 37-year-old sex worker of African descent.

"Clients frequently describe me as instinctively wild and savage, which makes me feel inferior and degraded all the time," adds Tatiana, a 19-year-old from the Caribbean, echoing Jacqueline’s sentiments.

Clients often perceive Arab women through a stereotypical lens, imagining them as submissive and oppressed. Frequently, these women are asked to perform the roles of slave girls or dancers, sometimes even being ordered to wear the hijab or abaya.

As for the Asian women working in the Bois de Boulogne forests, they report that most customers see them as submissive and obedient women who are willing to fulfill any sexual fantasy, no matter how extreme.

“When clients come to us Asian women, they have very specific sexual fantasies in mind," shares Ying, a sex worker in her thirties. "Because of my skin color and origin, I find myself forced to accept physical abuse.

“Clients don’t choose me because I’m the most physically appealing to them, but because they perceive me as obedient and can be a reflection of their desires. Unfortunately, this is the reality of the sex trade."

The price of exploitation

In addition to sexual fantasies, the geographic division of sex workers reflects differences in pricing, further reinforcing racial discrimination. For instance, sex workers from Eastern Europe secure higher prices than their counterparts from Asia, the Arab world, or Africa.

"To clients, we Asians are just cheap commodities, no different from poorly made Chinese products,” notes Ying, highlighting the disparity. “No matter what services we offer, we will never earn as much as European sex workers."

Jacqueline takes out a handful of coins from her pocket and counts them carefully before pointing to her dark skin.

"Because of my skin color, I’m forced to work for lower pay, endure degrading racism, and face oppressive scrutiny. Despite all this, what my body earns doesn’t even cover the cost of a simple meal."

"To clients, we Asians are just cheap commodities, no different from poorly made Chinese products,” notes Ying, highlighting the disparity. “No matter what services we offer, we will never earn as much as European sex workers."

"Everyone who comes here knows that we work to survive. They are fully aware that poverty is the reason I’m here,” says Anastasia, a 29-year-old sex worker from Eastern Europe who works in the Porte de Vincennes area. “Because they know this, they exploit our vulnerability to negotiate over our bodies.

“I used to work in the Red Light District in the Netherlands, but they fired me because my body changed—I gained weight. Even my body lost all its value the moment I put on a little weight."

"I used to work as a domestic helper. Honestly, I don’t see much difference between the suffering and humiliation of being a sex worker and my previous job,” adds Samar. “Except that in this profession, the humiliation is over in 15 minutes."

For her part, Ying admits that "the pain doesn’t stop at the bruises that I count on my body as I stand in front of the mirror. The harm extends to the soul."

To avoid scrutiny and police raids, Ying works in the forests of Bois de Boulogne. “It’s terrifying and cold, and, because it’s isolated, physical and psychological assaults are even more severe. When it’s just verbal insults, I consider myself lucky. I often pretend not to understand, just to prevent the client from escalating things, as we both know that my humiliation is their pleasure."

A deadly call

Arab sex workers also experience a compounded terror when they recognize the accent of an Arab client. They fear being identified, exposed, and having their relatives informed of their line of work.

"Whenever I encounter someone of Moroccan or North African descent, I experience a feeling of suffocation. I imagine them calling my family to reveal the truth about my work, and I’m consumed by shame and fear," Samar confesses. "If one of my uncles or cousins discovers what I do, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill me."

"Whenever I encounter someone of Moroccan or North African descent, I experience a feeling of suffocation. I imagine them calling my family to reveal the truth about my work, and I’m consumed by shame and fear," Samar confesses. "If one of my uncles or cousins discovers what I do, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill me."

"My family disowned me as soon as they suspected the nature of my work, as if doubt and suspicion alone are enough to sever all ties of blood and compassion,” adds Amal, who shares her personal experience with sex work and family relations. “I believe God will forgive me if I repent, but my family? No, it’s impossible. To them, my sin is unforgivable—they think they never sin."

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