Peace Be Upon Her

Peace Be Upon Her

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Thursday 10 October 201906:27 pm
إقرأ باللغة العربية:

منذ قرّرت التحرر من قيود الدين والعادات والتقاليد… أصبحت كالهاربة من وجه الله

When I was a child playing in the streets of Tripoli in Lebanon,  I had no idea I would grow up to be public enemy number one on Arabic social media. Ever since I decided to free myself from the chains of religion, customs and traditions, I have become an accursed fugitive fleeing God’s wrath, a prisoner whose freedom should be taken away simply because she sings out of tune with the flock.

Thanks to my Twitter account, I was able to attract 30,000 friends, followers, and fans of my religion defying ideas. I discovered that my choice of the Arabic language to express my views is part of the curse, the curse of being born Arab and daring to defy ignorance and ancient custom.

I did not know that I posed a  threat to the foundation of our religious and conservative societies. Because of my tweets and words, this “sturdy” foundation is shaken. "They" managed to close my Twitter and Facebook account and the reason given is my social media name which is ‘Peace Be Upon Her”.

"Peace Be Upon Her" is a phrase that shook them to their core perhaps because it is a cancer, which has spread widely in Arab society, perhaps because it is a phrase that monopolizes oil and sells it to the West in exchange for weapons destined to rust. Or maybe this phrase is what beheads people and circumcises women- this phrase is what garners 99.9% of the election results for the pharaohs that sit on the thrones of power. This phrase sold Palestine, crushed the dignity of the people of Yemen and displaced Syrians. “Peace Be Upon Her” is the phrase that destroyed the Arab nations and caused Arabs to top charts as the people most plagued with psychosexual disorders from harassment, pedophilia all the way to bestiality.

They managed to stop me from tweeting using the name I chose. It is a message that the Arab world wants to convey: it is a society that preserves an old obsolete heritage and preserves the ignorance deeply rooted in religion and tradition
If you close all my accounts on social media, I will continue to be the voice shouting in your wilderness, on social media as well as outside it even if I am not safe from your filth. Your faith shaken by my words is a weak faith,  a dying faith

Not only did they close my account, but they also continued their campaign of bullying and oppression by targeting a number of atheists and freethinkers. They appealed to their flock through prejudice and demagoguery and persuaded them to attack and silence us.

 Some of the biggest misfortunes to befall people are to be born into extreme poverty. to be afflicted with a serious disease, to inherit mental illnesses, to be raped, assaulted, to be bullied... But the worst of all these scourges is to be born an Arab. This is what has afflicted me, even if I fled to the other side of the world and now live in a humane and free land. The ghosts of ignorance continue to haunt me from the so-called virtual world.  Instead of writing words they spit them out, instead of debating … they use their religion and its teachings to suppress other opinions, their sexual repression and their neuroses keep them stuck in that heap of corruption called the Middle East, trying to export their ignorance by diminishing our happiness with the freedom we found in other countries.

They managed to stop me from tweeting using the name I chose. It is a message that the Arab world wants to convey to other societies, that it is a society that preserves an old obsolete heritage and preserves the ignorance deeply rooted in religion and tradition, it does not want to get out of this vicious circle that has continued for hundreds of years. People are contented living like sheep, and having crumbs thrown at them from time to time so they don’t rebel. They delude them with the ideas of divine freedom or justice so they don’t turn the tables on the beards, turbans and cloaks.

 The feminine “her” in ‘peace be upon her” is the core of the problem because what is feminine does not count in this life. Being a woman that speaks in the language of their customs motivated them more to launch systematic campaigns against me. As for “peace”, it is only mentioned in cheeky songs with a glass of wine that is drunk in secret (of course). There is no peace on you, and you will never know peace, you will remain in economic wars, cosmic battles starvation, dictatorship, all endless. You live afraid of life, waiting for death after which will come a better life, perhaps.

 If you close all my accounts on social media, I will continue to be the voice shouting in your wilderness, on social media as well as outside it even if I am not safe from your filth. Your faith shaken by my words is a weak faith,  a dying faith. Realize it before it passes, Hurry to revive it. The more you close the accounts of freethinkers on social media, the closer is the hour of death of your fanaticism and ignorance.

 I am the one who shook your flimsy throne, I am the one whose words you fear will annihilate your obsolete customs and your books on which I have eaten and drunk. Peace be upon me. 

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