On April 20, 2024, Takreem America will host its annual awards ceremony and the TakMinds Forum, a platform for solutions-oriented conversations, in Boston, MA. Takreem Foundation was founded by Ricardo Karam in 2009 to honor outstanding Arabs across the world and propel them onto the global stage. Takreem America, founded in 2019 as an off-shoot of the Beirut-based Takreem Foundation, focuses specifically on the achievements, innovations and successes of Arab Americans and, in doing so, works to dispel misconceptions about Arab communities.
Spotlighting Arab Excellence Worldwide
With awards across a range of categories, including Environmental Development and Sustainability, Excellence in Education, Cultural Excellence, Young Entrepreneurship, Scientific and Technological Achievement and Outstanding Arab Woman, Takreem Foundation and Takreem America introduce global audiences to a selection of the brightest, most fearless Arab minds working today.
Inspiring a Legacy
The 2023 TAKREEM Awards honored a remarkable lineup of Arab excellence. Notable honorees included Habib Azar, a Lebanese-American Emmy Award-winning producer and director, celebrated for his outstanding contributions to culture. Dr. Shihab Kuran, an accomplished Jordanian- American investor and serial entrepreneur, received accolades for his remarkable work in Environmental Development & Sustainability.
Algerian-American rapper Solvan Naim received a special distinction in recognition of his groundbreaking contributions to the world of music and entertainment. Meanwhile, Micheline and Francois Nader received the Lifetime Achievement award, acknowledging their enduring impact on their respective fields.
Promoting Global Excellence
TAKREEM AMERICA stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration, embodying the spirit of Arab achievement and the promise of a brighter future. In an ever-changing world, TAKREEM AMERICA remains steadfast in its mission to celebrate excellence, inspire collaboration, and champion the extraordinary achievements of the Arab-American community on a global scale.
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Mamdouh Hebishy -
11 hours agoمقال رائع كنت احتاج بعض من المراجع التي اعتمد عليها الكاتب للاستزادة
Angela -
1 day agoBeautifully written and very well articulated. A much-needed piece to remind us of the importance...
najwa naql -
4 days agoيتألف فريق نجوى للنقليات شركة نقل عفش بالخبر من نخبة من الفنيين والمتخصصين في نقل العفش، الذين...
Hani El-Moustafa -
5 days agoنص رائع، وتفاصيل شاعرية في مساحات منسية. كتابة رائعة.
جيسيكا ملو فالنتاين -
1 week agoكمية كبيرة من الألم والعتب والحبّ! أنتِ الأم التي تلد نفسها.
Anonymous user -
1 week agoربما المعالج النفسي الذي تريدينه.. من بقي على قيد الحياة بتفاصيلها البسيطة إلى اليوم يستطيع أن...