Ghorba ghosts
prepared by R22 April Guest Editor Massoud Hayyoun
Delirious, I am laid to rest in the clavicle of a bird
whose remaining body is a ghost. In the next life,
death has the sense not to creep around me, breathe
my air. Bright, bright this new world
and ugly. To have been taught nothing remains of my body
and still, my limbs. What to make of no one watching?
No rush, nothing to return to by a mildewed grief.
Here, there is space. There is space and nothing will fill it.
Some days, I dream no one is watching. I dream I am small,
standing beneath the rim of a greying sky. My supine body
a willow leaf carried in the quivering wind. All I wanted was to be left
alone, to drive a beautiful car, to veer to the edge
and quiver against a beloved’s body
Some days, I dream no one is watching. I dream I am small,
standing beneath the rim of a greying sky. My supine body
a willow leaf carried in the quivering wind. All I wanted was to be left
alone, to drive a beautiful car, to veer to the edge
and quiver against a beloved’s body. Instead, I am rosined
into the earth, brittle as bone. Someone’s look
what happens when you…Look what happens!
How many have died in my name an inherited death.
I touch their rosined bodies now, their old loves
the amber that fills them. There is everything here
and no one is watching.
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astor totor -
3 days agoاسمهم عابرون و عابرات مش متحولون
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3 days agoفعلاً عندك حق، كلامك سليم 100%! للأسف حتى الكبار مش بعيدين عن المخاطر لو ما أخدوش التدابير...
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1 week agoانا قرأت كتاب اسمه : جاسوس من أجل لا أحد، ستة عشر عاماً في المخابرات السورية.. وهو جعلني اعيش...
Anonymous user -
1 week agoلماذا حذفتم اسم الاستاذ لؤي العزعزي من الموضوع رغم انه مشترك فيه كما ابلغتنا الاستاذة نهلة المقطري
Apple User -
1 week agoوحده الغزّي من يعرف شعور هذه الكلمات ، مقال صادق
Oussama ELGH -
1 week agoالحجاب اقل شيء يدافع عليه انسان فما بالك بحريات اكبر متعلقة بحياة الشخص او موته