International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation
The practice is a form of violence against women. According to the World Health Organization, the aptly-named FGM does mutilate female genital. The International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation -- on 6 February of each year -- was first suggested during a conference held by the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights in May 2005 to tackle traditional practices that affect the well-being of women and children. The UN later adopted the idea.#EndFGM
On the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, Egyptian gender research center Tadwein launched an awareness campaign on social media under the English hastag #EndFGM. The campaign aimed to raise awareness over the damage and dangers of FGM, whether physically, psychologically, socially or financially. It has stirred debates on social media, in the hope that the practice will be publicly rejected at some point in the future. There are a plethora of medical articles that explain the types of circumcision and how it could result in abysmal physical and psychological effects, a taboo that is usually tackled only behind closed doors. For example, no one talks about the effects of FGM on sex and how it could possibly destroy a marriage. Villagers are only driven by a compulsion to protect girls' honor, thinking that without FGM, girls would not be able to control their sexual urges upon puberty. Until today, no one realizes that upbringing and sanity, not blades, do protect honor. Meanwhile, the awareness being raised over the side effects of FGM has not quite paid off. This practice might cause a victim to bleed to death or suffer severe anemia. Removing parts of the genital also results in acute pains, in case the woman was not anesthetized. And apart from the trauma, it could lead to scares and pus-filled parts that would leave no medical option other than amputation. Furthermore, female sexual dysfunction is one of the worst permanent health problems the FGM causes. A woman would not be able to climax or satisfy her partner, not to mention the chronic pain she endures during sex. FGM is a harmful experience which leaves dreadful effects that last way beyond its instantaneous pain. Until now, I still suffer the pains of what has happened to me in my village. The pain is unimaginable and the post-surgery trauma leads to depression and horrendous panic attacks during sex. Why do we remain tight-lipped over these crimes? If FGM is a contentious issue, doctors should have the final say. Why do the society insist on listening to ignorant people who call themselves Sheikhs?Raseef22 is a not for profit entity. Our focus is on quality journalism. Every contribution to the NasRaseef membership goes directly towards journalism production. We stand independent, not accepting corporate sponsorships, sponsored content or political funding.
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mahmoud fahmy -
5 hours agoكان المفروض حلقة الدحيح تذكر، وكتاب سنوات المجهود الحربي، بس المادة رائعة ف العموم، تسلم ايديكم
1 day agoراااااااااااااااااااااااااائع ومهم وملهم
د. خليل فاضل
Ahmed Gomaa -
2 days agoعمل رائع ومشوق تحياتي للكاتبة المتميزة
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6 days agoاسمهم عابرون و عابرات مش متحولون
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