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#Q&A_22 with Lebanese media personality Rita Khoury

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Friday 8 March 201904:17 am
A Lebanese writer, producer, and media personality born in Beirut. She participated in “Studio al fann” TV show in 1988 and presented a talk show on Al Sharq radio station in Paris where she would host important intellectuals such as Mahmoud Darwish, Adonis, and Amin Maalouf. Currently she is presenting the show “Hawa Alayam” on Radio Monte Carlo.  
  1. A word Arabs should stop using
  1. Nominate a female president in an Arab country
For the Lebanese presidency, the expert in petrol and gas in the Middle East and North Africa, Lori Haityan.
  1. Which Arab personality would you bring back to life today? And why?
(Palestinian poet) Mahmoud Darwish, because the world needs poetry these days.
  1. If you could issue a fatwa, what would it be?
That girls should learn martial arts since their childhood.
  1. An Arab initiative you would like to be part of
Fighting female genital mutilation.
  1. If you could travel in time, to which period or year would you go back to?
The period when morals had a value.
  1. In which Arab country would you choose to live today? And why?
None. If I had to, then any country that respects the dignity and rights of human beings.
  1. What is the song that in your opinion summarises the state of the Arab world?
“Oh our country, since when a kid / is afraid of his mother / when she holds him at night”… Iman Al Bahr Darwish.
  1.  Three Arab personalities you would choose to send in a space capsule
(Egyptian president) Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, (Syrian president) Bashar Al Assad, (Saudi king) Salman Bin Abdel Aziz.
  1. An Arab saying or tradition that you think other cultures should adopt
The door through which the wind blows on you, shut it and make yourself comfortable.
  1. What would you do if you were in the proximity of someone who has extremist views or terrorist tendencies?
I would report them.
  1. If you could change one thing in the Arab world (apart from ISIS), what would it be?
  1. A happy Arab event this year
Can I consult a friend? Or can we consider the Guinness world record for the biggest Man’ousheh ?
  1. Are you for legalizing marijuana?
Better than legalizing murder.
  1. Why would Ellen DeGeneres host you on her show?
To meet more closely an alien who speaks Arabic.
  1. Media channels that you follow daily
BBC, Monte Carlo, Radio France International, France 2.
  1. How many hours do you spend daily on social media?
5 to 6 hours.
  1. 3 people you like to follow on Twitter
Edward Snowden (former NSA employee, and responsible for their biggest leaks), Ghassan Salame (Lebanese politician), (American presidential nominee) Donald Trump.
  1. A tweet you regret
Rather, tweets I wrote then deleted before publishing them.
  1. The best book you read this year
Memories by David Foenkinos.
  1. You favorite cafe in the region
“There is a cafe on the corner”... Against discrimination between cafes.
  1. Which politician would you take with you to a bar or cafe?
(Turkish president) Recep Tayyip Erdoğan   Note: Information between brackets was added by Raseef22
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