شاركوا في مهمّتنا،
بل قودوها

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Together, we can change the Arab world. We can face the fear that was instilled in us, that silenced our voices and sapped our energy. Deep inside us, we all sense the roots of our identities, and the collective memory of our people that shall guide us at the crossroads we face. The answers to the existential questions we face today in our societies lie within us. We can see clearly now. We will not abandon our dreams, nor fear the freedom that is our birthright. We will not shut our eyes to the truth, our truth, and the truth of our forebears who fought for what they believed in. Here, we will raise our voices, and unite. Voices that will carry us over the walls that surround us, as if we were lab rats. Here, we will start a dialogue with those we fear, and those who fear us. Here, we will be ourselves. Hirak22
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