Colored Stories: A dedicated space for vibrant stories belonging to individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community. These are stories of people who have overcome great challenges, shattered taboos, and left a strong mark in the public sphere or in the professional path they chose. Through their perseverance and effort, they have proven that success is not limited to sexual and gender identity, and that dreams are accessible to everyone without exception.
Adonis AlKhaled, a Syrian journalist living in Germany, made headlines in 2019 after he uploaded a video identifying himself as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. At the time, his heartfelt message stood out as a testament to his profound self-awareness and compassion with others. He overcame societal barriers and refused to let external challenges dictate his life.
Speaking to Raseef22, Adonis shared with us his life story, starting with his childhood and the journey of discovering his sexual identity. He then discussed his entry into the media industry, highlighting the key milestones in his career, which included exploring other cultures and eventually moving to Germany, where he achieved his dream of joining Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s international broadcaster.
Syrian journalist Adonis AlKhaled setting up his camera for an interview outside a governemnt building in Berlin, Germany.
Syrian journalist Adonis AlKhaled setting up his camera for an interview outside a governemnt building in Berlin, Germany.
"I insisted on documenting the incident"
When asked to introduce himself, Adonis described himself as "an ordinary person who loves nature and seeks truth, believing in clarity and honesty as a way of life."
Many see him as an ambitious, successful, and confident young man whose determination and courage to be unapologetically himself has inspired his peers.
Recently, Adonis was physically and verbally assaulted by private security personnel at a concert while conducting an interview with Syrian singer Al Shami in Düsseldorf. He was prevented from reporting, yet despite his injuries, he remained resolute.
"I insisted on documenting the incident and reporting it to the authorities to preserve my rights as a journalist and defend press freedom.
"No one should feel afraid to speak the truth or have their voice silenced because of their identity or sexual orientation.”
“The attack left a deep impact on me but strengthened my resolve to speak out honestly. It wasn’t just an attack on my personal safety but a stark reminder of the barriers faced by anyone who chooses to live and work with transparency and authenticity."
The incident drew significant public attention and turned into a matter of public debate in Germany, with widespread condemnation, including statements from German politicians.
Adonis believes that sharing his story highlights the importance of protecting all journalists, particularly those from minority groups, and advocating for accountability in cases of violence against the press. "No one should feel afraid to speak the truth or have their voice silenced because of their identity or sexual orientation.”
Syrian journalist Adonis AlKhaled
Syrian journalist Adonis AlKhaled
Internal struggles
This violent moment was only a small incident in the grander scheme of his life.
AlKhaled was born and raised in Syria. As a child, he was shy and reserved. At the age of 15, he discovered his sexual orientation but lived in a state of denial imposed on him by societal norms. "I had to hide my sexual identity. During adolescence, I asked myself existential questions. Eventually, I accepted myself and embraced life," he shared.
Adonis’ childhood was filled with internal conflicts. "I didn’t feel like I belonged to my surroundings; everything seemed strange and unwelcoming. I put on masks in search of acceptance in a society preoccupied with customs, traditions, and prejudices," he said.
He also endured bullying in his neighborhood, school, and broader environment, which negatively impacted his confidence in himself and others. Nevertheless, this did not stop him from constantly striving to find solutions. “I used to create small sanctuaries for myself, like the tent I set up on the balcony, or spots I had set up to help stray animals.”
Adonis finds it unfortunate that Arab societies do not take bullying and its effects seriously. Despite some progress in recent years, concepts of "strength" and "weakness" are still largely determined by appearance and behavior.
"Unfortunately, femininity is still seen as a flaw or defect, and masculinity as a privilege," he said.
Adonis believes that expressing his sexual identity freely and openly is a significant move towards progress. "Just being here as an LGBTQIA+ journalist is a form of support in itself. My presence opens the door for diverse voices and shows society that we can succeed in many fields," he said.
During his university years, Adonis combined studies in media and English literature, recognizing the importance of learning about cultures beyond the Arab world to escape what he saw as a society that does not respect individual freedom. He entered media at 19 and later moved to Germany, where he feels individuals are not discriminated against based on their choices, sexual orientation, or gender identity. ”
“The media chose me, not the other way around"
Born into a family with a media background, Adonis grew up in an environment surrounded by new and successful broadcasting programs. “I’ve always felt that the media chose me, not the other way around. I’ve always wanted to use the media to reveal truths without manipulation. In 2010, I discovered that major Arab broadcasters airing Oprah Winfrey’s show in Arabic were heavily censoring segments featuring LGBTQIA+ guests or discussions on individual freedoms," he noted.
This inspired him to pursue a career as a presenter who would also publicly embrace his identity. "I decided I would become a host and announce my sexuality as well, especially after watching Ricky Martin’s YouTube episode where he came out in 2010 despite his immense fame," he added.
Several months after making this decision, Adonis, by coincidence, heard about auditions for new presenters and broadcasters at the official Damascus Radio channel from a close friend at university. He impressed the selection committee and was chosen as one of nine new presenters. This marked the start of his journey as the youngest radio host at Damascus Radio in 2011.
Syrian journalist Adonis AlKhaled.
“I never sought fame or considered it a goal”
Adonis recalls key milestones in his career, starting with his role at a private Syrian radio station, Radio Al-Madina, where he hosted the show C’est La Vie. He later worked on the celebrity-focused program Album.
In 2015, Adonis left Syria and moved to Germany, a journey he describes as deliberate and determined. He worked tirelessly to reach his goal of joining DW. “My experience in Germany has been a mix of thrilling adventures and challenges. The transition wasn’t easy, but I found in this country a refuge that celebrates diversity and respects individuality. Living in asylum or abroad and in exile wasn’t a new feeling,” he said.
“I already felt like a refugee and a stranger in my own country, both before and after the war. So, being a stranger in a new society wasn’t entirely unfamiliar to me.”
While his boldness and honesty are often misconstrued as arrogance in Arab societies, he asserts that “they are, in fact, part of [his] identity that he takes pride in.”
“My experience at the DW Academy was a pivotal moment in my career, followed by working at the channel and producing several program formats, such as Merkel’s Chair, which was translated into nine languages and became the most-watched content produced by DW during the last German elections,” he said.
Adonis believes that working in media has given him a powerful voice in a society influenced by fame and the spotlight. “I felt I could reach people and express what I couldn’t express as an ordinary person outside the media. Beyond that, it allowed me to live people’s experiences up close, learn from their stories, engage with them, and contribute to unforgettable moments. I never sought fame or considered it a goal. The proof is that I don’t even have official social media accounts. I genuinely wanted to be a voice for what others fear to say,” he explained.
During this phase, Adonis received strong support from his family, most of whom were accepting of his personal choices, though it took some members longer to come to terms with the announcement of his homosexuality.
“Now, everyone around me is accepting of me and my choices,” he shared.
Supporting the LGBTQIA+ community
Adonis also reflected on how he supports the LGBTQ+ community through his work as a journalist. “By simply being an openly LGBTQIA+ Arab journalist paves the way for diverse voices and shows society that we can succeed in various fields.”
When asked about the differences between Arab and Western societies regarding LGBTQIA+ rights, Adonis said that he thinks the differences are vast.
“In Arab society, there’s much to be proud of but also much to be ashamed of: the idea that you can’t try to change society from within without risking your life means there’s no real hope for meaningful change right now.
“The fundamental difference is that Arab societies have not yet reached a stage of acceptance and equality, where old mindsets reject any form of difference.”
Currently, the Arab region—particularly Lebanon, Palestine, and even Syria—faces turmoil and political crises that have affected Adonis on a personal level. “I carry a deep sadness for the injustice, deprivation, and exploitation endured by children in Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza, and the victims of October 7th. I feel helpless in the face of this reality, but I am always looking for ways to help. Right now, I’m working on producing a video to raise funds, as part of a private initiative with several German families, encouraging donations instead of buying Christmas gifts.”
However, Adonis believes that war reflects the deeper mentality of society.
“It’s not just external interference as some claim; it’s a struggle among sects, oppression of minorities, and the dominance of radical mindsets. These wars are rooted in notions of shame and sin, reinforcing ignorance and surrender to conspiracy theories. That’s why we must work to change these mentalities to ensure a better future for everyone.”
When discussing the difficulties faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals during wars and conflicts, Adonis explains that “even in peacetime, the LGBTQIA+ community suffers from persecution and harassment, but during conflicts, these struggles worsen. War is a mirror of the prevailing mindset in society, which thrives on hatred and discrimination against LGBTQIA+ individuals. War is the exact opposite of what the LGBTQIA+ community aspires to and represents—we are a community of peace, art, and creativity, and war negates all of that.”
“I’ve been where you are, facing the same fears and challenges, but I sought solutions and refused to settle for the societal narratives around me. Don’t allow your role to be diminished or your dreams stifled by societal expectations. Seek solutions to change your reality, and never lose trust in life, no matter how difficult it gets.”
Adonis has many ambitions and aspirations. “In the future, I see myself working with LGBTQIA+ colleagues in an Arab country. Perhaps we’ll create a program that I’ll name ‘Very Gay!’”
He concluded the conversation with a heartfelt message to LGBTQIA+ individuals in the Arab world who suppress their dreams out of fear of prejudice and stereotypes.
“I’ve been where you are, facing the same fears and challenges, but I sought solutions and refused to settle for the societal and religious narratives around me. Don’t allow your role to be diminished or your dreams stifled by societal expectations. Seek solutions to change your reality, learn from both local and global experiences, and study other languages to facilitate communication and access to information. Above all, never lose trust in life, no matter how difficult it gets.”
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