Why don’t you believe in God? I get that question all the time. I always try to give a sensitive, reasoned answer. And it is usually awkward, time consuming and pointless.
People who believe in God don’t need proof for his existence. And they think it is the truth because they read it in a book.
I still give my logical answer but it doesn't matter anyway. They do not wish to listen to what I want to say. Their ears are hearing nonsense, blasphemy, and shameful words coming out of my mouth.
They are so indoctrinated, that they find it perfectly normal, to believe without proof.
The problem is not who is right and who is wrong. It doesn't matter. The problem is that the art of listening to arguments that defy your beliefs does not exist in the Middle East.
In fact, there are laws that can put you in jail just for saying that you don't believe in an almighty power living in heaven, and in some countries beheading is the punishment for atheism.
They force you into religion even though it is against what you stand for. They want you to practice blindly, read without understanding, and understand without arguing.
They force you into religion even though it is against what you stand for. They want you to practice blindly, read without understanding, and understand without arguing. It doesn't matter what you are mumbling as long as they see you praying with your community. Maintaining appearances is very important in that part of the world.
Why can't we listen to new ideas? Why are we so blinded by old traditions that we can't even accept other opinions?
Why do you feel offended when someone criticizes your religious beliefs? Because you want to defend god. You feel compelled to stand against any scientific proof that dismisses his existence.
It's not a matter of who is right or wrong, it is a matter of coexisting with others who think there are different answers out there.
I don't want to convince you that he doesn't exist, and I certainly don't want you to preach to me that he does.
My only hope is to be able to communicate my thoughts freely without being judged or punished. My only dream is to see believers and non-believers living together with acceptance and tolerance, in the Middle East.
My only dream is to see believers and non believers living together with acceptance and tolerance, in the Middle East.
In the end, we should all start to listen more and argue less.
The first step towards change is awareness, the second step is acceptance.
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