Injustice to women and to children
In the latest episode of his program, al-Tayeb said that polygamy is often unjust to women and children and is a distortion of the correct understanding of the Koran and Sunnah (the Prophet’s practices), and called on Muslims to re-read the Koranic verse in which the issue of polygamy is brought up in full. ”Are Muslims free to marry again and take a third and fourth wife or is this freedom limited by restrictions and conditions?” he asked rhetorically. He added that polygamy is a right for husbands but is “a limited right,” adding: “It can be said that it is permissible but needs a reason… if this reason does not exist then this is no longer justifiable.” “Polygamy is allowed on condition of fairness and if there is no fairness then it is forbidden to remarry,” he said.Will Al-Tayeb will lead the new wave of reform?
The Grand Sheikh issued a decree in early October 2017 to form a committee to prepare a bill to amend some provisions of the Egyptian laws relating to personal status, in order to protect the rights of the Egyptian family. The committee had its first meeting under al-Tayeb’s chairmanship at the end of October of the same year, after he outlined the work of the committee, the most important of which being legislation to remedy the ills resulting from polygamy and the rights and responsibilities of both parties after a divorce.Raseef22 is a not for profit entity. Our focus is on quality journalism. Every contribution to the NasRaseef membership goes directly towards journalism production. We stand independent, not accepting corporate sponsorships, sponsored content or political funding.
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mahmoud fahmy -
4 hours agoكان المفروض حلقة الدحيح تذكر، وكتاب سنوات المجهود الحربي، بس المادة رائعة ف العموم، تسلم ايديكم
1 day agoراااااااااااااااااااااااااائع ومهم وملهم
د. خليل فاضل
Ahmed Gomaa -
2 days agoعمل رائع ومشوق تحياتي للكاتبة المتميزة
astor totor -
6 days agoاسمهم عابرون و عابرات مش متحولون
Anonymous user -
6 days agoفعلاً عندك حق، كلامك سليم 100%! للأسف حتى الكبار مش بعيدين عن المخاطر لو ما أخدوش التدابير...
Sam Dany -
1 week agoانا قرأت كتاب اسمه : جاسوس من أجل لا أحد، ستة عشر عاماً في المخابرات السورية.. وهو جعلني اعيش...